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5 New Year Resolutions that will change your work life for the better

Happy New Year!

This year we will see over 30% of the UKs population making New Year resolutions only for 80% of them to fail two months into 2016.

New Year’s resolutions have a bad reputation, with more of us falling off the wagon then staying on. One reason some of us fail is because we simply make promises we cannot keep.

For example, the most popular resolution in the UK is to lose weight, get fit or exercise your way into shape. We make the same resolutions year in year out and we fail for some common reasons. Firstly we fail to plan. How will you lose weight if you don’t dedicate time and energy to the task and plan ahead? Secondly, we don’t set ourselves smaller goals that will leap pad us all the way to achieving out final wish. If you want to get fit in 2016 then set some timed goals to monitor progress such as being able to run or walk a distance by March or to swim so many lengths per month. It will mean you are more likely to keep on track is you see improvements every week.

Morgan Pryce, office rental agents in London, think we need to turn resolutions on their head! Eugene O’Sullivan, director or Morgan Pryce says ‘A lot of people make resolutions around work, usually they promise to change job, find a career they love, prioritize home life over work life or reduce stress. These are big and life changing resolutions and to achieve them the worker needs to make small steps.’

Eugene, a company director and owner who has worked through his own resolutions and succeeded, share some of the secrets and lists some top resolutions which will change your work life for the better!

I want a promotion or pay rise

If you want to persuade your boss to give you that pay increase you need to prove your worth. Don’t just state how long you worked at the business, how many hours you work or how few sick days you take but show those in charge your actual worth. The money for your rise or promotion will need to be sourced from somewhere so prove you can fund yourself. Make sure you keep a record of times when you have been indispensable at work, when you have made the company money, when you have reached and exceeded targets.

I want to reduce stress

As humans we are programmed to put too much pressure on ourselves and the ruthless labour market doesn’t help matters. If you find yourself getting stressed the minute you step into your office then try these simple tactics: firstly find where your stress is coming from. Is your boss a battle axe? Do you simply have unachievable deadlines? If you can pinpoint your stress you can deal with it more successfully.

Secondly, don’t beat yourself up. We all get stressed, make mistakes, and sometimes we don’t know the answers. Take the ups and downs of work life and increased responsibility and remember that you do your best.

Third, find a means to relax. Your day may be full of complaining customers or demanding bosses but if you know that in the evening you get to switch off and go for a run or play some golf then keep this in mind and your day will go smoother. Ensure you make time for yourself and don’t miss these relaxation times.

I want to improve my work-life balance

With technology being a greater part of our lives it’s hard to switch off from work when we are at home. Our free time is interrupted by the ping of an email on our mobiles. Improving work-life balance can be as simple as turning off your work mobile when you get home or not taking your laptop home at the weekend. However for some of us the pressures to get work done can sneak into our private lives meaning you would rather work then sit worrying about what awaits you on Monday morning.

If you want to ensure your get some home time then rather than insist you leave on time try allocating work more sensibly. Perhaps delegating tasks or organising your time better so that you work more wisely. Keep meetings to a strict time frame, ask for help when required, and tell your boss if a project is going to run over and even plan your work out over your days using your calendar and stick to timed deadlines.

I want to get on with my boss better

We have all had bad bosses but it does work in your favour to be on their good side. You may not always agree with your boss or the way they do things but try and find a common ground such as a shared interest. Failing that improve communications by showing your worth and dedication. A weekly report on your work, regular emails on your progress reflecting what work you are doing will go down well. Make an effort to attend work events or even organise an event yourself even if it’s just a casual Friday night drink and it will bring you into the work social circle and let people see the real you.

I want a new job / career

Define what is making you unhappy. Is it your actually job? Position? Work colleagues? Boss? Perhaps you don’t feel challenged in your current role or your career is stagnant. The look at ways you could change this. Do you need to talk with your boss about taking on more or less responsibility? Is there a chance for you to work in the same company but another department? Rather than immediately think of a way out think of reasons or ways to stay.

If you are sure you want to leave then make sure you have a set criteria for the job you want. Do not end up taking another position that will ultimately make you unhappy because your feel desperate. List what role you would like, where it would be based, the salary, benefits and the environment. When pursuing that job think about how you can show you are the best candidate. You may dream of being a fire breather on £50k a year but firstly do you know how to breathe fire? And secondly what’s the going wage for an entertainer? Be realistic and if you haven’t got the skills or experience set goals to gain them.

Good luck with your work or personal resolutions for 2016. Remember to set small achievable goals that will be stepping stones to your ultimate achievements.