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Outsourcing for your startup

Here at Just Entrepreneurs, we’re big fans of the DIY approach of running your startup. Saving costs (but not cutting corners) where you can and learning along the way. But inevitably there are going to be some gaps in your teams knowledge - maybe you might all have marketing backgrounds, but then not be as hot on the technical side of things.

While there’s the tendency to push on, there comes a point where you can’t wing it any further - you need support in a certain field that’s really holding your business back, which is where outsourcing steps in. Hiring someone in-house isn’t an option as it’s really just too expensive and your startup isn’t quite ready for that step.

So why not outsource?

Outsourcing of services you require is a great way of avoiding high staffing costs. It can also be a function used only as-needed. More importantly though, is outsourcing keeps your team focused on the real task at hand. Undistracted by these side tasks, your in-house startup team can focus on developing your products or service, and earning revenue. What’s more, you’re leaving these duties to the real professionals and can be assured that they’re (probably) getting the job done better than you.

By hiring the right consultancy or group to help you with these additional tasks, you can ensure your business stays on track and grows to the next level. So check out just some of the roles that you should consider outsourcing for your startup when the time comes:

Personal Assistant

Even a personal assistant can now be outsourced. By far the biggest distraction of a business owner is trying to keep on top of the day-to-day stuff, like arranging appointments, answering the phone, dealing with emails, etc.

Taking on a virtual assistant can shift some of this workload, and help you focus on the stuff that matters, rather than having to repeatedly answer your phone and tell cold-callers to piss off.

Human Resources

Maybe your startup isn’t at this stage yet, but it’s definitely something to note for the future. Sifting through applicant CVs is hilarious, until about CV number ten. Then it becomes extremely dull. You quickly lose momentum with favorable qualities of applicants very quickly getting engulfed by the numerous Duke of Edinburgh awards and sports team representations that everyone seems to now have.

Recruitment agencies can find someone who fits the exact requirements you need and screen candidates so that you’re not wasting your time when it comes round to interviews.

Additionally, outsourcing your startup’s HR function can be particularly useful for those struggling with managing staffing requirements. Managing compensation, benefits, and payrolling can totally sap your time as a small business owner.

Outsourcing your HR can be expensive, but if you’re at the stage where you’re rapidly expanding it will soon become clear that the cost per employee for this service is well worth it.


It’s another time drain and one of the things that most business owners will profess to knowing little about.

While there’s lots of straightforward accounting software out there like Xero or QuickBooks, these services initially require a lot of time to understand. They also require a lot of time to keep updated.

Outsourcing some financial assistance can help you keep your cash managements and paperwork in order. You can also reach out to a consulting group who can provide accounting support on a project basis, something that’s good to know if a potential big deal looms on the horizon.

Marketing and Public Relations

If you’re unfamiliar with this field then it can be difficult to get to the next step without some professional help (of the marketing variety that is). Outsourcing your marketing can be a great way of coming up with a fresh marketing strategy that places your brand firmly towards its intended clientele and market.

While this is probably an area that startups struggle with least, sometimes the contacts and advice of a professional in this area is hard to resist.

Outsourcing provides your business with the required level of ‘knowhow’ that can really raise your business’s game. By hiring someone who’s already an expert in a certain field, you can be reassured that they’ll hit the ground running and provide a fresh perspective to your business.