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Laura Fox, Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Systems Design Lead at Exergyn

Laura Fox is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Systems Design Team Lead with Exergyn, a clean energy tech company based in Dublin that specialises in the design and development of unique shape memory alloys (SMAs) for commercial use. Fox has over 12 years of experience working in Ireland and overseas in heavy machinery design and manufacturing in the mining, quarry and shipping industries. Previously, Fox has worked on projects from R&D to production in companies such as Sandvik and Cavotec, as well as earthquake repair damage for homes during her time living in New Zealand.

She completed a BEng (Hons) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Dublin City University and is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with IMechE. While involved in the design of all products for Exergyn, Fox is a proven innovator behind two of the company’s patent families, the housing for a shape memory alloy heat pump and the shape memory alloy heat pump, both ground-breaking, clean-energy products.She is on a mission to promote engineering and science as a career to young people and women. Fox is a role model and ambassador for women in STEM where she has been inspiring future engineers and scientists through the STEMazing Inspiration Academy, where she gives online lessons to primary school children by engaging in fun experiments. 

What were you doing before joining Exergyn?

I’d recently returned home from New Zealand where I'd been living and working for a few years and had been taking some time out to catch up with family and friends. My previous role in New Zealand had been with a company that assessed buildings that had been damaged by earthquakes, something I’d never expected to be involved in. Whilst in New Zealand I’d also worked with Cavotec Moormaster developing automated mooring machines for the ports and maritime industry, another great example of innovative technology. 

Getting involved in Tech is still a hot topic for women, what was the motivation for you? 

Knowing that my small contribution every day is making a difference for the future. Engineering and technology play such a massive part in our society and are constantly changing and evolving. The way technology is constantly advancing has become such a key part of how we do things in engineering, and this makes me excited to think of where we could be in terms of our capability in 10-15 years’ time. Here at Exergyn, our goal is to reduce global emissions through the use of Shape Memory Alloys in clean energy applications. It inspires me to know we are paving the way with this technology by bringing positive change and helping future generations by reducing global emissions.

How have you found your journey so far and what has been your greatest accomplishment?

It's been challenging at times but I’ve loved it. Over the past 10 years, I’ve worked in a number of different industries, and I’ve loved that engineering gave me the opportunity to travel the world. I love seeing the projects I've been involved in come to completion and take pride in my contribution. 

My greatest accomplishment has been here with Exergyn. Along with the rest of the team, I’ve been heavily involved in the development and build of our L12 Heat Pump and it’s so rewarding to see something I’ve designed right from its initial concept get built and work - exceeding all our targets and expectations! The L12 Heat Pump is currently the world’s largest solid-state and zero-emissions heat pump so it’s amazing to have played a role in that. 

What has been the most challenging thing so far?

Exergyn is one of the world leaders in the utilisation of shape memory alloys in clean energy applications so this means we have to be very innovative in how we do things, as the majority of what we do has never been done before. We are constantly coming up with new ideas, trying new things, and using standard components in new ways. As an R&D company, we’ve typically been doing this with a small team and tight budget which really pushes you to think outside the box.

You have created products within the cleantech industry for a while and are in a leadership role. What has that process been like for you?

Exergyn is a small team, which allows everyone the opportunity to get involved in several different areas. I've really enjoyed being in a position to lead others to reach a common goal together. What we are doing is completely new and encouraging others in their innovation is something I enjoy. Our work can be quite fast-paced and seeing other members of the team step up and take on additional responsibility is extremely rewarding. We’ve got a great team working together and all have a shared belief in the difference our technology can make which makes everything easier.  

Who is your target audience?

My passion is about encouraging others, particularly young women, to pursue careers in technology and STEM. Having women as role models and seeing other women in positions of leadership within technology and STEM normalises this and gives younger people the confidence to pursue STEM as a career in the future. The greater reach we have now in promoting our industry, the greater the potential for future growth.

What advice would you give to fellow women in tech and STEM roles?

Always support and champion other women. I’ve built a great network of women both through work and by getting involved in STEM projects. That, along with the support of excellent leaders has been amazing in helping me believe in myself. Work hard, seek out a mentor and take on anything that comes your way. There’s so much to learn from the people who surround you so put yourself out there, learn from their experience and take it all in. Thanks to the generations of women who have paved the way in technology and STEM, I really believe we are now in a position where women are seen as equals in the world of technology. 

What plans do you have for your career and Exergyn over the next two years?

Exergyn recently got a €30 million investment which is a huge step forward in helping us take the company to the next level. Our immediate priority is growing our team of engineers so we can push forward in our goal of using shape memory alloys in the commercial production of clean energy products in the coming years.  

I’ve recently taken on a new role as Systems Design Team Lead. This encompases the mechanical, electrical, and controls aspects of the rig design and build. I’m looking forward to getting more involved in the electrical and controls aspect of the design to gain a greater knowledge of how the full system comes into play, improving our designs and ultimately creating better products. As our team grows, I plan to support each of them in progressing their own career goals and development within Exergyn.

Overview of your role and how Exergyn works:

I'm responsible for leading the System Design team, which looks after the mechanical and electrical design and control systems for our heat pump prototypes and testing rigs. This includes taking projects from the initial concept stage through schematics, CAD Design, procurement, prototype-build to systems testing. I also oversee the Product Data Management and CAD systems and help coordinate some of the Intellectual Property (IP) Processes. Part of my role is to mentor other team members to help grow their knowledge and progress in their career development. 

Exergyn designs and develops products that utilise shape memory alloys in clean energy products. This innovation will be applied in a range of industries such as heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, refrigeration (HVACR), automotive, and aerospace. Exergyn uses its world-class experience in and proprietary knowledge of shape memory alloy technologies to take these projects right from the initial concepts in 2D and 3D simulation through to initial test prototypes in our lab, field trials, and eventually to commercial products.