Do's and Don'ts of Influencer Marketing

Do's and Don'ts of Influencer Marketing


Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for your brand, but it can also be a daunting task if it’s new to you. We’ve compiled our top Dos and Don’ts ’of influencer marketing:

DON’T do it for the sake of doing it: Your brand is one of a kind, so whilst quietly keeping an eye on your competitors, remember what works for them, may not always work for you. 

DO assess the potential of influencers for your brand with your business goals in mind. If you decide it could achieve the impact you’re looking for, be sure to set clear objectives. 

DON’T fall into the trap of thinking the same content will work across all of your channels. The way people behave and the information they’re seeking varies widely for channel to channel. 

DO keep your target audience in mind: Different people live on different channels. As a general rule of thumb, if you want to target 16–24-year-olds for example then Tik Tok is your best bet. If you’re looking for busy mum’s then you might want to consider Instagram or Facebook.

DON’T only focus on follower numbers: when it comes to influencer marketing, bigger doesn’t always equal better.

DO look deeper: When identifying influencers to work with for your brand you need to delve a little deeper, for example, engagement, follower demographic and previous brand partnerships. For a food brand, for example, a foodie influencer with 5000 followers will likely be far more impactful and cost-effective than a gardening influencer with 100k. 

DON’T think of it as a one-off: Whilst a one-off post can have some impact and can help to raise awareness of your brand, it won’t always equal sales. It often takes time, and multiple prompts, before consumers part with their hard-earned cash.

DO plan it into your strategy and think longer-term: Longer-term partnerships with influencers allows brands to build relationships with their audience and reiterate the USPs over a defined period of time. If an influencer fits with your brand consider working with them longer-term, to for an authentic and meaningful partnership. 

DON’T start without a contract and tight brief: Influencers are businesses in their own right, and like any other business you collaborate with, it’s always good practice to have a contract in place to ensure both parties are on the same page and there are no grey areas.

DO trust the influencers you’re working with: you’ve done your research and selected an influencer who produces engaging content and resonates with your brand. You’ve discussed your campaign messages, objectives and given them a tight brief. They buy into your brand. You’re on the same page so try not to be too prescriptive over the creative process. They want the partnership to be successful just as much as you do and are the experts in creating content for their followers.

DON’T just focus on the product or service you sell: Your brand is more than this, so you don’t want to end up with a load of selfies and product shots.

DO consider how you want your audience to think and feel about your brand and let this guide your content. Influencers share their lives with their followers, so think about how your product and its key message can fit into this in an authentic and memorable way..

DON’T forget to measure success: you set your objectives early on, so it should be easy to measure how successful the exercise has been.

DO consider what you could do differently in future. It will only make your next campaign stronger.

If you’re considering influencer marketing for your brand, do get in touch and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

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