Meet the founder of Long Shot Drinks

Meet the founder of Long Shot Drinks


I have always considered myself a bit of an entrepreneur – from running car washes to sports coaching in my mid to late teens.  After having a brief stint working in the ‘corporate world’ as a Chartered Surveyor, I decided enough was enough and went to work for a recruitment and branding start-up. I have always wanted to set up my own business and working in a start-up showed me just how dynamic and varied the days can be. It was on a trip to the USA that I tried “Hard Seltzers” and the rest, as they say, is history.

Tell us about Long Shot and why it’s different from others on the market?

Long Shot was created with blind optimism from the word go. We don’t have the classic ‘drinks’ background, but what we did have was; bucket loads of ambition, a desire to do things differently, and a great idea. Many drinks out there have zero clarity over their ingredients and nutritional values - meaning simple drinks like a canned G&T have a long list of ingredients that you’ve probably never heard of and are crammed full of sugar.

We believe that alcoholic drinks don’t have to be as naughty as often made out. We use as few ingredients as possible, all proudly listed on the can alongside the nutritional values. Others out there use artificial flavours or sweeteners in their drinks – whereas we only use high quality fruit juices and we never add sugar, meaning all our drinks are under 70 calories. Our main juice supplier is under 20 miles from our manufacturer which is great for the environment too!

Why do you think Long Shot is right for the UK drinks market?

General market trends have shown consumers to become more health orientated and concerned about what they put in their body. In particular we have seen huge growth in the vegan, gluten free and low sugar sectors. Until Long Shot, there were no alcoholic drinks that would fit those segments.

From initial feedback, we are seeing a number of our drinkers turn to Long Shot as a cleaner alternative to their G&T’s as it contains a lot less calories and a lot less sugar. Health conscious gym goers are also interested as a refreshing alternative to a post work-out beer.

What inspired you to launch Long Shot and what is the end goal?

We’re all creatures of habit, and we all sometimes make excuses not to do things slightly different – even if it’s just changing jobs, travelling somewhere new or learning a new skill. We believe everyone should do something different; for me, it was taking a punt on a new drink that nobody had heard of. It was a bit of a risk (and that is where we got the name from), but I believe everyone should have their own Long Shot moment – whatever that might be.

We want to challenge others to take that leap and build a community of Long Shotters who really live and love what we stand for.

How do you set Long Shot apart from other businesses in the industry?

Most drinks out there are full of e-numbers, sugars and artificial flavourings. I wanted to change this by taking things back to basics – using a very simple combination of high-quality fresh fruit juice, a natural grain spirit and sparkling water. Alcoholic drinks don’t have to provide nutritional or ingredient information by law, which seems strange given the changes in the food sector. So, Long Shots aim is to help shape the movement towards a more transparent conversation – telling customers exactly what it is they’re drinking.

What are your thoughts on failure?

Mistakes are good in my eyes – as long as you learn from them. Knowing what not to do is more valuable than knowing what to do.

Meet the founder of Long Shot Drinks (1).png

What plans do you have for Long Shot over the next two years?

We are really in the early stages of growth and so much will change over the next two years. We are constantly looking as to how we can provide a better service for our drinkers, whether that’s cheaper delivery, better availability in local stores or just a wider product range. Our plans are constantly evolving in response to customer feedback. It’s very easy to concentrate on your own vision and create a product that doesn’t fit the market because you haven’t listened to the consumer.

What can Long Shot customers look forward to in terms of product launches?

We currently have three flavours available: Strawberry & Rhubarb, Raspberry & Blackcurrant, and Grapefruit. We have plans to expand our range but for the time being, that’s a secret! Stay tuned for the big reveal later this year.

How did you fund the launch of Long Shot and what creative strategies did you use to execute a minimal cash flow?

To begin with our team was very small and adaptable, I only brought people on when they were actually needed. In the very beginning, we used a few consultants. Whilst this can seem expensive, they are extremely valuable as they help free up the time you have and take some of the weight off you. They also share insight from their own experiences which help shape the business in a positive way going forwards. We are still on a minimal cash flow as we are in the middle of a funding round. We hope to launch a crowdfunding campaign in the near future so that our Long Shotters can really embrace the Long Shot moment and become part of the business.

What has been key to the success of Long Shot to date?

Entrepreneurs often try to take too much on themselves rather than bringing people on board to help out. I am hugely grateful to the Long Shot team who have helped to shape our future vision. We have a fantastic team around us who help keep the Long Shot ship afloat and moving in the right direction. Whether that’s my business partner, George, or Gemma who does our social media, or our PR team, Moon Communications – to name a few, but the list is long. They are all brilliant and I am hugely grateful for their invaluable efforts.

Any moments where you thought you’ve bitten off more than you can chew?

Yes – Welcome to Long Shot. But it’s been great fun and I would highly recommend anyone else thinking of doing the same to embrace their Long Shot moment and act now.

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