Body Rocket sets sights on US investment following successful £430k UK and EU raise

Body Rocket sets sights on US investment following successful £430k UK and EU raise


Body Rocket, the tech startup behind the world’s first and only real-time aerodynamic drag force measurement system for cyclists and triathletes, has declared its recent UK and EU raise a resounding success, having attracted £430k ($493k) from more than 190 investors.

Wind tunnels are widely considered the gold standard in accurately measuring aerodynamics. However, as there are only a limited number in existence, these facilities can be expensive to use and are often reserved for athletes at the very top level of sport, despite being the most sought-after performance gain for road cyclists and triathletes around the world. Even if access weren’t an issue, effectively interpreting the complex data a wind tunnel session provides is beyond most amateur and even professional athletes and is limited to reporting on static, laboratory conditions which don’t always translate to riding in the real world.

Body Rocket aims to address this with its patented system of sensors which provide easily comprehensible wind tunnel accurate aerodynamics feedback to the rider, in real-time and in real world conditions. Not only does this reduce reliance on wind tunnels and put comparable technology within reach of a far greater number of athletes but it also allows for the testing of equipment, body positioning and even race tactics outside in the same environment in which the athlete will compete. Rather than a one-off visit to a wind tunnel, riders are able to use Body Rocket on a daily basis over a longer period, which provides a far more meaningful set of data that the athlete can learn from and make regular, incremental adjustments.

Following in the footsteps of heart rate monitors in the early 80’s, which subsequently ceded ground to power meters throughout the past two decades, it’s now rare to find a regular cyclist or triathlete who doesn’t own at least one of these products for use in training or competition. Body Rocket opens up a whole new category of both amateur and professional performance, at a level which is highly attainable for many. With the rider’s body accounting for 80% of drag, providing instant feedback on position allows for unprecedented access to performance improvements.

Not just limited to consumer sales, there is a significant opportunity for Body Rocket to license its technology to bike, power meter, cycling component and cycling apparel companies looking to validate and authenticate their aerodynamic claims using empirical data. Coaches, sport scientists and bike fitters will also be able to utilise the technology to optimise performance.

Identifying North America as a key market for Body Rocket, the UK based brand has now set its sights on attracting US investors, in part by supporting athlete partners and newly crowned Ironman World Champion Gustav Iden and Olympic Champion Kristian Blummenfelt during their key US competitions.

Eric DeGolier, Founder of Body Rocket, said: “Having already attracted investment in the UK and Europe, we are excited to be extending our equity opportunity to the USA. This comes at a crucial time for Body Rocket as we continue to work with some of the world’s best athletes, expand our testing programme and use these essential funds to complete the tooling and launch the finished product in 2023.”

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