Critizr introduces miscarriage and menstrual leave for all employees

Critizr introduces miscarriage and menstrual leave for all employees


Customer interaction management specialists Critizr have introduced a new policy to provide menstrual and miscarriage leave for all 100 plus employees working across the company’s offices in the UK, France, Spain, Japan and the Netherlands. 

Recognising the impact of miscarriage in particular, and the need for more support to cope with such a painful event, days off will also be granted to Critizr team members whose partner has suffered a miscarriage. 

Critizr’s change in policy reflects a growing awareness globally that the business world needs more awareness and respect for the physical and psychological health of employees, and to evolve towards a space that favours professional equality between men and women. 

Quebec and New Zealand have already changed their labour codes to include leave for women who suffer a miscarriage as well as for their spouses, and Spain has recently introduced a bill to introduce menstrual leave. 

From this month, the following measures will apply for every member of the Critizr team:

  • Natural termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) during the first 22 weeks of pregnancy: allocation of 5 days' leave;

  • Employee whose spouse, whether or not an employee of the company, suffers a natural termination of pregnancy (miscarriage): allocation of 2 days of leave;

  • Dysmenorrhoea linked to endometriosis or another pathology: allocation of one day of leave per month, or two days if necessary

Based on trust, so as not to add complexity to a painful event, the employee may inform the company of his/her period of absence and of his/her taking of leave by e-mail or by any other means at his/her disposal and without requiring authorisation or a medical certificate. 

Xavier Molinié, Critizr's VP Human Resources, comments: "With these measures, we want to go beyond our legal and contractual obligations and support our employees during the difficult times they may be going through, when working can be difficult - if not impossible. We are proud to undertake this development in line with the benefits we have already implemented to give everyone the space and comfort to fulfil their potential. As one of the forerunners, we want to be among those who are leading the way in future social developments”.

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