GIANT Health announces new Digital Therapeutics (DTx) conference track — Just Entrepreneurs
GIANT Health announces new Digital Therapeutics (DTx) conference track

GIANT Health announces new Digital Therapeutics (DTx) conference track

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GIANT Health has officially launched the Digital Therapeutics conference track, co-curated by Research2Guidance, a leading global management consultancy specializing in the digital health market, as part of the GIANT Health  Event 2021 held on November 30 - December 1, 2021.  

GIANT Health Event is credited by the Financial Times as "Europe's largest, most valuable annual festival of health tech innovation”. Every year, GIANT Health designs its agenda to help its delegates explore the most relevant and  innovative topics in health-tech. At this year’s DTx conference track, Research2Guidance’s team alongside  industry thought leaders will dive into the areas of engagement and retention, successful partnerships, virtual  clinical trials, and business models.  

R2G will share cutting-edge insights from their global DCT 2021 report on how digital tools and companies support  DTx decentralized clinical trials; and the important role of DTx as a real world data source, patient engagement  tool, and recruitment platform.  

Barry Shrier, GIANT Health Founder, said, “Digital therapeutics is, without a doubt, revolutionising the delivery of  healthcare using easily scalable and evidence-based approaches. We are only starting to see their incredible  potential to address unmet medical needs by complementing or even replacing conventional drugs whilst having  very minimal side effects. GIANT is proud to serve the entire European healthcare community by uniting key leaders  and providing the latest information to help guide making the best decisions.”  

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As the fast-growing billion USD market of Digital Therapeutics (DTx) is transforming the standard of care and  potentially closing the gap between prevention and treatment, this industry has already ignited interest from  different healthcare stakeholders, including global pharma. 

“For more than a decade we have supported leading pharmaceuticals, health insurers, and MedTech companies  with insights and strategy advice on creating innovative business models, implementing and monetizing digital  tools and service offerings, developing partnerships with “hidden champions” to build their thriving digital  ecosystems”, said Ralf Jahns, Managing Director of Research2Guidance.  

The Digital Therapeutics conference track will be held on Tuesday, November 30, on the Main Stage of The GIANT  Health Event. Consisting of a mixture of keynote lectures, panel discussions, and first-hand casesled by the leading  global DTx, pharma, insurers, and digital innovators, this conference will tackle the most prominent topics in the  industry, from effective scaling and reimbursement to the growing landscape of decentralised clinical trials. For  more information, visit Digital Therapeutics.

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