Amanda Swales, founder of Go Simple

Amanda Swales, founder of Go Simple

Amanda Swales, founder of Go Simple.png

I was born and raised in Oldham where I also raised my family. I have two lovely children Tom and Jess. In my spare time I enjoy going to the gym and socialising with my friends. I think that it’s key to have a good work/life  balance to make sure that you can give 100% to every aspect of your life, whether that’s in the office or at the gym, it’s essential that this balance is a 50/50 split.


What were you doing before you started working at Go Simple?

My career started out at a software company called MAP, where I was exposed to the world of accounting and payroll software for small businesses for the next ten years. It was here that I realised I was born to work in the tech industry.  My passion centred around developing software for SMEs in particular, and this was where I started to carve out a career for myself which has eventually led me to work within personal tax at Go Simple. 

Getting involved in Tech is still a new thing for women, what was the motivation for you?

From an early age, working as an apprentice at a farming equipment supplier, I discovered that I was extremely passionate about processes and how businesses can streamline their ways of working to function in the most efficient manner.

More often than not, the most efficient way to do this involved using smart technology systems. I realised at the heart of every successful business lay core systematic processes which were fundamental to how well a company performs. It was this that helped me realise that I was passionate about helping businesses succeed via the technology systems which they use.

How have you found your journey so far and what has been your greatest accomplishment?

As most people will agree, a career in tech can be a lot like riding a rollercoaster, it’s extremely fast paced. I’ve particularly enjoyed being part of the team who have launched the first ever HMRC approved self assessment tax returns smartphone app which has been a terrific accomplishment. I’m delighted to have seen the SimpleTax app come to fruition from start to finish, and subsequently see the positive impact that it can have on small businesses to help save them money.

How do you think the industry can inspire more women to work in tech?

I don’t think that the industry necessarily needs to inspire more women to work in tech, as I believe that as technology evolves this provides inspiration in itself. My two children have grown up around technology from iPad’s to FitBits, so the inspiration is already there for women to grab a career in tech with both hands. Ultimately, I believe that the tech industry is experiencing a generational divide whereby young girls are playing catch up to realise the potential that they have to enjoy a fruitful career in tech.

What advice would you give to young female entrepreneurs thinking about working in a tech based company?

I would advise any young female entrepreneurs to always maintain their integrity and to be patient. When I reached a stage in my life where I was ready to have children, I knew that naturally this would disrupt how I would progress in my career after taking time out. Therefore, when I returned to work I knew that being patient was essential to progressing to the next stage in my career and after 10 years I became Director at Go Simple managing a team of 15 people.

What does it mean to you to be a woman working in tech?

As one of the few female Managing Directors working in tax, I think it’s a significant time which symbolises the start of a new era for the tech industry. More often than not, large tech corporations are male dominated, so I feel proud that working at Go Simple we are keen to help encourage young girls to explore tech as a viable career option through our apprenticeship scheme.

Overview of how Go Simple works:

  • Find out what tax savings you qualify for — quickly and easily

  • Rest assured with hundreds of double-checks for an accurate submission

  • Get HMRC's IRMark confirmation delivered straight to your inbox when you submit

  • Get support from our dedicated help desk


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