Meet the co-founder and CEO of Kumoco

Meet the co-founder and CEO of Kumoco


Hi Paul, thank you so much for joining me. To kick things off, tell me a little bit about yourself and how you founded Kumoco?

From a young age I was curious about how things worked. So I’ve always been very interested in technology. Whilst at university I started my first company and jumped head first into the world of entrepreneurship where I quickly learned a lot of lessons that have stayed with me. 

Later, travelling the world and working for several world-class companies, I was exposed to different technologies and ways of working. For the most part I was frustrated by what I saw: there was typically a disconnect between the C-suite and the engineers. Often, board members weren’t really aware of the levels of value that engineers were creating for the end customer. 

I started Kumoco to change this by seeking to align organisations and teams through measurable outcomes. These provide a common language across an organisation and deliver a much better result.


Inspiration is always a great indication of why people launch businesses. Who or what inspired you to get started?

Many different people throughout my life. At age 15, I read Negroponte’s ‘Being Digital’and it really was a revelation, encouraging me to embrace change. 


How do you set yourself apart from other businesses in your industry?

We devise tailored solutions for our clients that deliver measurable value through innovation and continuous improvement. We seek to leave our clients with the skills and confidence to continue learning and delivering value to their customers.  


What’s the single most important decision that you made, that contributed to your business?

Choosing my business partner Terry; we have complementary skill sets. Although we originally started as a technology-focused company, together we realised that the key to success was aligning people and ensuring they have clarity and focus about the outcome they are trying to achieve.



Who is your target audience?

Typically, CEOs and CIOs who share our passion for transforming how they can deliver better value to their customers.


What would be your number one tip for young entrepreneurs who are ready to launch their own business?

Be brave, persistent and ready to work hard.


What first in the mornings, phone, book, laptop or me time?

I like to start the day with yoga.


What plans do you have for Kumoco over the coming 12 months?

Innovate in the agile space whilst continuing to delight clients with our work. I’m excited also about the impending launch of our new Cloud Management product which will help enterprise clients to optimise their cloud spending.


How do you believe the evolution of tech will affect your industry over the next 10 years?

Tech innovation will undoubtedly continue apace, with more automation through AI, etc. but businesses will always need help with leveraging the tools available and combining people and technology to deliver great value to their customers 


What habits do you think helped you to become successful?

Take the time to understand your clients’ needs;

Be consistent, persistent, collaborative and a good listener;

Always seek to hire people better than yourself;

Build a diverse team.


What are your thoughts on failure as an entrepreneur?

We learn fast from mistakes. Fear of failure holds people back but in a young business, a little paranoia goes a long way!


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